Function & featues: 1. Zeo Gavity Position: this position can elax the full body,acceleate blood ciculation,povide the bain with sufficient blood, pevent leg swelling & vaicose veins. 2. Intelligent Pogam: Auto-detection of human figue & height,Egonomic design, auto-timing,auto-estoation,cus musle stetching 3.Fashionable & Classy Design: PU cove fo high-end funitue pupose4.Vaious Massage Techniques & Modes: ai-pessing,vibation,olling,kneading,tapping,sole acupoint shiatsu massage techniques integated with vaious manual and auto intelligent massage modes—all give you a pefect massage expeience 5. Comfotable Position: backest and calves est auto-adjustable,calves est auto extention6. Handy contol panel: easy contol of massage pocess7.Unique music function & am massage function.