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    (图)PA12/CX9703/抗张 HDPE TUB121、→,TPU 1174D、‖。PA66 ANM 03/10 V0、→,LCP E130i 、→,XLPE S1044B、‖。ASA V300、‖。PA6 F130-E5、LDPE DNDA-7230、→,PBT WX96084 、→,PP RF401、→,PCTA MB002、→,POM F30-02 、PP 3342M、→,TPU 58091、PP 1406、POM KFX-1006、LDPE L725、→,PP H2483、‖。TPE 1010UVP-3125PEKTC7HBZ、LDPE FA7229、‖。PA66 KN333HI4、→,EVA 230、‖。POM M90-45、→,EVOH F100、‖。PBT KP210、→,PBT BT-6035 、LDPE M14AES KD102S 、→,GPPS 666、PP S700、PA66 8066、PMMA AM-105H、‖。AS3130FV 、→,EVA E182L、PBT GF50-09、‖。PPS 80-10TG/40、PC/ABS GP-5006AF、‖。TPU GP55DB、‖。TPU 75ABX、→,EPDM G2470LM、PBT 4130-104D、‖。PP F705、→,氟橡胶 TN、POM 9F‖。 7660M、PC2200R、→,LDPE LD0109L、→,PBT 6123 BK、PBT CE7300G、‖。PP 4026 、PA6 FV-30、PC 603-6、‖。PA6 R60ES、→,POM 887 、‖。TPV 241-73、→,PC 3025PJ 、PC SLX2071T、‖。PP 2706A、‖。PA66 A3LHP、→,PA612 I1000、POM KFP032、ABS GPM4700P、‖。TPV 8271-55B100、PC 540PG4、‖。PC L-1225R、PC/ABS CY201、PA66 DP.AKV30 HR EF、TPU 8377、TPV 3135、TPU MB-9010、PA66 Polyamide esin, the English name is polyamide, efeed to as PA. It is commonly known as Nion (Nylon), which is the geneal name of the polyme containing amido goups in the epeating unit of the main chain of macomolecules. Among the five majo engineeing plastics, the highest yield, the most vaiety and the most widely used ae the vaieties. The main vaieties of nylon 6 and nylon 66 nylon, dominant, nylon 6 and nylon 66 nylon, poly two acyl 1,6-diaminohexane, nylon 66, nylon 6 is had l2%; followed by nylon 11, nylon 12, nylon 610, nylon 612, nylon 1010 and nylon 46, and nylon 7, nylon 9, nylon 13, nylon 6I, new vaieties of nylon 9T and nylon MXD6 (special baie esins), nylon modified vaiety quantity, such as nylon, einfoced monome casting nylon (MC nylon), eaction injection molding (RIM) nylon, nylon, nylon, aomatic high impact (supe) nylon, nylon, nylon, electoplating conductive flame etadant nylon, nylon and othe polyme blends and alloys, meet vaious special equiements, widely used in metal, wood and othe taditional mateials.Chinese nameNylon 66Foeign language namePolyamide 66Also known asNylon 66AbbeviationNylon 66CAS numbe32131-17-2CompositionPoly two - hexamethylendiamineScope of applicationPats of mechanical, automobile, electical equipmentCatalog1.1 application2.2 injection mold conditions3. afte injection pessue4. afte the injection speed5.3 poduction method6.4 physical and chemical popeties1.5 physical popety table2.6 model3. the United States afte liquid nitogen4. afte the United States DuPont5. afte Shenzhen DuPont6. afte Japan DuPont1. afte South Koea DuPont2. afte MITSUBISHI Engineeing3.7 intoduction4. afte the pefomanceAfte the 5. conditions6. discipline chaacteisticsAfte the 1. advantages2. afte use3. afte classification4.8 detailed oveviewapplicationPBT The hygoscopic popety of PBT is vey weak. The tensile stength of the non enhanced PBT is 50MPa, and the tensile stength of the glass additive type PBT is 170MPa. Too much glass additives will cause the mateial to become bittle. PBT; the cystallization is vey apid, which will cause the bending defomation due to the inhomogeneous cooling. Fo mateials with glass additives, the shinkage ate of flow diection can be educed, but the shinkage ate pependicula to the pocess is basically the same as that of common mateials. The shinkage ate of the geneal mateial is between 1.5%~2.8%. The mateials containing 30% glass additives shink between 0.3%~1.6%. The melting point (225%C) and high tempeatue defomation tempeatue ae lowe than that of the PET mateial. The softening tempeatue of VEKA is about 170C. The glass tansition tempeatue (glass tasitio tempeatue) is between 22C and 43C. Because the cystallization ate of PBT is vey high, its viscosity is vey low, and the peiod of the plastic pats is geneally low.Synthetic pocesssynthetic oute1. PBT intemittent type, Polytex Design, PTA oute synthesis o DMT oute synthesis (English: Batch-poly)2. PBT continuous type, Polytex Design, PTA oute synthesis.Batch methodPocess deion1. 1-4 butanediol mixing and conveying system2. pe melting pepaation system3. esteification eaction system4. polycondensation eaction system5. slice cutting and packing system6. catalyst pepaation system7. filte cleaning system8. THF ecovey system9. heat medium system10. compute integated contol systemChaacteisticThe 1. sluy pepaation system is used in the poduction of modified PBT, and the catalyst and additive can be added at low tempeatue.PC/ABS alloy, PC and ABS blends can combine the excellent popeties of PC and ABS, impove the heat esistance, impact and tensile stength of ABS, educe the cost and melt viscosity of PC, impove the pocessability, and educe the sensitivity of poduct intenal stess and impact stength to the thickness of poducts. The apid development of PC/ABS alloy, the global output of about 800 thousand tons / yea, the wold's majo companies have developed new vaieties of PC/ABS alloy, such as flame etadant, glass fibe einfoced, electoplating, UV esistant vaieties, especially widely used in the automotive industy, is also widely used in computes, copies and electical and electonic components. China has stated a eseach and poduction of PC/ABS alloy mateials such as Shanghai jieshijie company has been applied to Automobile decoative pats, lamp shell and heat appliance shell; Development Institute of the Chinese Academy of Applied Chemisty Changchun high heat esistance, high heat esistance and high impact esistance and high heat esistance of the thee gade PC/ABS alloy mateial has been a numbe of domestic automobile manufactuing the company used fo font decoative boad, instument panel and box cove and othe special mateial goods. Lanzhou Univesity study in PC/ABS blend with a high pessue polyethylene compatibilize, the mixtue obtained good flowability and low tempeatue toughness and modulus is almost not affected, fo the poduction of sheet; domestic eseaches in ode to educe the PC/ABS inteface between two phases, adding impact agent MBS in PC and ABS, the degee of the impact of ai alloy can achieve vey high value, PC/ABS/MBS appeaance is ivoy white, unifom textue, feel good.



