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    PP EG103AI∠TPV抗UV PP 1148UC 、PC/ABS HF200S、→,PP EP548U‖。 HK502C、‖。POM M90AW、→,PP ST866、PC FD-1122、‖。TPE TX-5045、‖。TPU 1090A、PC2503I、‖。PA6 CM1014V0 、‖。PBT 5010GN6-15M8X、→,EVA VS430、LCP A700 BK、PP 7032E2、PA6 6GF30FR4、→,PVDF 1740-15、‖。PC 7102-8、LDPE 10275U/4、→,PP EP243R、→,LDPE LD1905F、→,EVA 2842AC、‖。PP 5021CTPSIV 3040-70A、→,TPV 4139DB、→,POM N2640Z2 、→,LLDPE LLHC-217A、‖。PA6 V15H2.0、→,PC/ABS RC910M-BK02、→,PC/ABS NS5000C、COC F52R、‖。PC RZ220PA12 L25HFWA、‖。PBT 5010N6、PP 4100N、‖。TPEE 6356、PP H36G-01 、→,GPPS SP73129093、‖。POM F10-02 PC/PBT 5220U 8A9003、‖。PP HB300BF、ABS AS002、PP K4826、‖。PPO WCD835 、‖。PP 7633、‖。ABS VA58 、PA66 RX06424、‖。PMMA ZK6HF、→,PC ML7664、→,PC OQ4620R、‖。TPE PB-575、PC 943、→,TPU 539、ABS HF-380 9001、→,POE 6251Y PTFE M-2001、→,TPEE YF005、PA6 GR15、POM 500P-R、‖。PA66 H2G/25-V0KB1‖。 ML50、‖。PPO PFN300、TPU 80ABX、‖。PC CP6059F、→,PC/ABS T95MF ‖。 2850A、→,PP M4U05102943、‖。PBT BF4232、→,EVA 7130F、‖。PP M1500、→,POE 8021T、EVA 410、ASA CR3020 、PBT VX5022、→,PPE AG115、PEI Pltic online pltic Encyclopedia 1. The main chaacteist of PEI pltic online pltic Encyclopedia 1, PEI Chinese name (polyethe imide) is ambe tanspaent solid, good flame etadancy and low smoke, combustion gade of UL94-V-0 gade. Medium pltic online pltic Encyclopedia 2, PEI h stong high tematue stability, high tematue esistance, themal defomation tematue of 220 degees C, and can be used fo a long time at woking tematue of 180 C at -160.3, the lysis stability is vey good, high tematue esistance, steam esistance;4. Polyethe imide h good anti ultaviolet and Y ay poties.Two, applicationReplacing metal with fibe optic connectos can optimize the stuctue of the component, simplify the manufactuing and sembly steps, and maintain a moe accuate size. It is used in automotive field, such sensos fo manufactuing high-tematue connectos, poducing high-powe lights and indicatos, contolling the extenal tematue of the cabin and contolling the mixtue of ai and fuel. It can also be used a vacuum pump impelle with high tematue and lubication and eosion, a ginding gls joint (Inteface) and a non lighting antifogging eflecto at a tematue of 180 degees.application aeaAfte detemining the total pojection aea (all the cavity plus the aea of the injection pessue), we should povide 4 to 6 tons of clamping foce fo the pojection aea squae inch, so to educe the oveflow of components. Gls einfoced esin may equie a slightly highe clamping foce (an estimate of one ton of clamping foce squae inch). The thickness of the wall, the length of the flow and the injection conditions detemine the actual tonnage of the clamping foce.Bael selection and scew design consideations: Pltic online pltic Encyclopedia When the PEI* esin is pocessed, the taditional manufactuing mateials suitable fo the compatible scew and cylinde of the day ae usually used. It is ecommended to use a bimetallic cylinde.Accoding to the diamete of the scew, it is best to make the atio of length to diamete 20:1, and the compession atio of 2.2:1. In addition, it is sested to use shot feed zone (5 stage) and long compession zone (11 segments), and gadually tansition to a shote meuement aea (4 segments) though a constant ta. Compession should be done at a constant ta of a gadual tansition, shap changes may lead to excessive shea and mateial degadation. If a specific scew is not selected, it is successful to use a univesal scew with a long diamete atio of 16:1 to 24:1 and a compession ate of 1.5:1 to 3.0:1. It is ecommended not to use a cylinde with a vent hole to pocess PEI* esin. The check valve should be a slip ing type. In a scew meteing aea, 80%. is usually at let the coss section of the flow aea.PEI is amophous, and h outstanding high tematue esistance, high stength, high modulus and wide chemical esistance. It h natual flammability, low smoke emission and high dielectic constant and dissipation facto.Commodity name: ULTEM:PEI pltic mateial in pltic online pltic Encyclopedia The United States GE 1000-1000/71011010-1000/7001, ATX2002100220Poduct intoduction:PBT The heological poty of PET is bette in the melting state, and the effect of pessue on the viscosity is lage than that of the tematue. Theefoe, the flow of the melt is changed mainly fom the pessue. 1, the teatment of plt is due to the PET macomolecule containing lipid be, which h a cetain philicity. The pellets ae sensitive to wate at high tematue. When the moistue content exceeds the limit, the molecula weight of PET decees, and the poducts ae coloed and cisp. Theefoe, it is necessay to dy the mateial befoe pocessing, and the dying tematue is 150, 4 hous, eally 170, 3-4 hous. The ai - ejection method is used to test whethe the mateial is completely dy. eally, the popotion of the ecycled mateial should not exceed 25%, and the ecycled mateial should be completely died.2, PET is chosen fo injection molding machine. Because of its shot time afte melting point and high melting point, it is necessay to choose injection system with moe tematue contol section and less fiction heat when plticig, and the actual weight of poducts (wate cut mateial) should not be less than 2/3 of machine injection volume. Bed on these equiements, in ecent yeas, Ramada h developed a small and medium-sized seies of PET special plticig systems. The clamping foce is selected by moe than 6300t/m2.3, mold and gate design, PET bottle embyo is usually molded by hot unne mold. Between the mold and injection molding machine template, it is best to have insulation panels, the thickness is about 12mm, and the heat insulation boad will be able to withstand high pessue. The exhaust must be sufficient to avoid patial oveheating o fagmentation, but the depth of the exhaust pot is eally not moe than 0.03mm, othewise it is ey to poduce the fly edge.4, the tematue of the melt glue can be meued by ai ejection method. At 270-295 degees C, the enhancement level GF-PET can be set to 290-315 degees C.5, the injection speed is ft, and it can pevent the ealy solidification of the injection. But too ft, the high shea ate makes the mateial fagile. The ejection is usually completed in 4 seconds.6, the lowe the back pessue, the bette, so to avoid wea. eally not moe than 100ba. It is usually not used.7. Do not use too long detention time to pevent the decline of molecula weight. Ty to avoid the tematue above 300 degees centigade. If the shutdown is less than 15 minutes. It is only equied to do ai - fie teatment; if moe than 15 minutes, the viscosity PE should be cleaned and the bael tematue is educed to PE tematue until the machine is eopened. RecyclingThe ecycling of Geman PET bottles to "Chinese sweates" is also woth thinking, and thee ae about 8000000 PET bottles in the Geman maket each yea. The ecycling company collected the bottles, ced them into pieces o ced them, and sold it to China at a elatively high pice. Accoding to the figues, a bottle of 16 lites of dink can be made into a sweate. Befoe 1993, all the pltic bottles wee in the th, a small pat of the ecycling. Since 4 yeas ago and the implementation of the tank fee, sumaket must ecycle empty bottles, PET bottles, embaked on a jouney to China, Wan Li: into synthetic cude wool sweate, and then etuned to Gemany, homecoming. China's textile industy h a huge demand fo plt. Although tades will add a bit moe to the pice of Geman ecycling companies, impots ae chea than thei own aw mateials. The tanspot fom Hambug to Hongkong w vey low, because thee wee a lot of vacancies on the ship afte the feighte came fom China and unloaded the textile. The cost of poduction in China is vey low, because the labo foce is low, and the envionmental and social standads ae not fect. In Chinese factoies, these PET mateials ae clsified accoding to colo, cut into fagments and melted. Afte pocessing, PET bottles wee etuned to Gemany in the fom of textiles and sold in Gemany. The value ceation hee is huge: a synthetic woolen sweate costs between 50 and 100 euos, and the mateial used is only 32 euo cents. The Fa Et can't see the end of the old pltic stavation. China h not been able to meet its needs with aw mateials. In this context, second hand mateials like PET ae multiplied. Pltic empty bottles ae used aw mateials in China, which shows that thee is a wold maket of used aw mateials in fact. 10 yeas ago, gabage w thown into a gabage dump. "We wee a consume and discading society." The example of China's pocessing Gemany eselling illustates the poblem. "This maket development shows to all consumes that e ubbish is indeed eeated and eused."PMMAAcylic with high tanspaencyIt can be peseved fo a long time, neve fade and use fo 5~8 yeas.Duability: the poduct h good potection fo the built-in light souce, and polongs the sevice life of the light souce.Rationality: ational design, ain poof and moistue-poof, open stuctue, ey to epai.Impact esistance: 200 times the gls poduct, with almost no isk of beaking.Light: up to 93% excellent, soft light, dazzling light.Combustibility: it is difficult to bun and can continue to bun afte fie.Beauty: exquisite caftsmanship, full font in mio effect, no winkle, no seams, all iveting fimwae is not exposed.Enegy saving: the light tansmittance is good, the light souce poducts ae educed, electicity saving is saved, and the cost of use is educed.shotcomingThe shotcomings of PMMA ae bittle and bittle, low suface hadness, ey to be scaped and lose luste, but fine scatches and scatches can be emoved with polished pte. HistoyAcylic (ACRYLIC), name of special teatment of oganic gls. The eseach and development of acylic h a histoy of moe than 100 yeas ago. In 1872 of the polymeization of acylic acid w found in 1880; methacylate polymeization known; synthesis of poly popylene este popionic acid in 1901; in 1927 using the synthesis method to industialized manufactuing; 1937 methyl acid industial manufactue w developed successfully, which enteed the scale of manufactuing. In the couse of Wold Wa II, acylic h excellent toughness and light tansmittance. Fist, it is applied to the windshield of the aicaft, and the imete of the tank dive's cab. In 1948, the fist acylic bathtub w bon in the wold, and then the application of acylic enteed a new milestone.pupose1. China's plexigls and acylic (acylic) PMMA poduction and maket situation. The total poduction capacity of China's plexigls poducts is 130 thousand tons day, and thee ae many manufactues, but the scale of poduction is small.China's oganic gls acylic poduction and pocessing capacity is vey lage, but the poduct stuctue is not vey eonable, it can only poduce odinay vaiety poducts, lack of high value-added poducts needed by constuction industy, and can not meet the maket demand in vaiety and quality, fo example, the demand fo building is vey high.



