·With LCD flashing light ,indicating tempeatue time and diection.
·3 time settings of 8s, 10s and 12s fo loose waves, softculs o moe defined culs.
·3 heat settings; 190°C, 210°C and 230°C fo long lastingesults on diffeent hai types.
·Cul diection contol of Right, Left and Automatic otatingfo eithe a unifom o natual look.
·Poweful heating system eady to use in seconds withulta-fast heat ecovey; Ceamic cu(陶瓷卷发)l chambe fo smooth cul ceation.
·Temp Settings :1,140-160 ℃fo delicate, fine coloed hai 2,180-200 ℃fo nomal textued hai 3,220-230 ℃ fo thick, wavy hai
·Time Setting : 1,--8second 2--,10 second 3--,12s 4--,15s(Noted : this machine can only cul a tiny piece of hai each time )
·Temp Display: :LED. Powe :50W ;Cul Diection Setting :ight/left/Auto
·Impotant : opeating Instuctions : 1 Always ensue thatyou hai is clean, dy and combed though and that the sections you want tocul ae no bigge than 3 cm wide ,2 the type of the cul will depend on the tempeatueselected , 3 the time setting which dicatatestheamount of time the hai kept inside the cul chambe .
·Mateial : Ceamic, PC,high quality ABS , ;Length of AC cable : 6 feet /1.8M