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电动牙刷A30牙刷-多种当今 的干电充电声波旋转电动牙刷

有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2019-02-10 23:23
100000 套

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:969
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    七、尺寸: 直径:24mm, 长:210mm。八、净重:176g(牙刷97g+充电器78g)。

    Poduct name: lithium battey electic echageable toothbush

    Poduct model:A30

    1. With two bush-heads, the long one and the ound one, the theads of long bush-head slanting sways 7000 times pe minute, up-and-down. The ound bush-head sways 7000 times, clock-wise, and counte-clock-wise pe minute. When bushing, the bush touches gap of teeth o any pats of the suface, the complete cleaness of the bush can each to 98%. The Type30 toothbush can emove dits and plaque of teeth, and has a function of message, cause blood elax and teeth potection.2. The kind of toothbush has the lowest noise effect in design and keeps its chaacte fo a long peiod of time, so it is known as the fist-ate of the wold.3. Non-polluted highe capacity lithium ion battey is used, and the battey has an electical potection plate of highe chaged and lowe dischaged. It is automatically stopped with an instuction light off when chaging moe than 4.2 volt, and when each to 1.8 volt, the lowest one, the battey will automatically potect shut off cicuit. The lithium ion battey could be used fo about 60 days when chaging once.4. Clea the bush head when you ae finished, tun on the switch, putting it to the bottom of a cup full of wate, sways it quickly about one minute, clea away all the toothpaste emains at the toothbush suface totally, thow off wate emains, and tun off the switch.5. The toothbush could be eplaceable. The toothbush-head could be puchased in makets. If keep its highe capacities, the bush head should be eplace evey 2 o 3 months.6. 2 minute time. Red light unde the stat button lights up when you have bushed you teeth fo 2 minutes.7. Poduct size: Diamete:24mm ,Length:210mm.8. Weight: 176g (toothbush 97g+chage 78g ).



